“Jones Logistics has been using the Ex-Guard model XG-125 for approx. 2 years now. We investigated and tried many options to reduce the cost of deer and animal-related incidents, with very minimal success. In Sept of 2015, our salesman made us aware of the Ex-Guard brand bumper guards. At this time we had already spent over $29,000 on deer-related accidents. We tried 5 units wondering how we would monitor success. In December of that same year, one of the trucks that had the bumper guard ran into a deer… dead center of the hood… ZERO damage to my truck. We quickly purchased more. I am currently down to less than $6000 a year for deer-related accidents and am still in the process of outfitting my fleet with Ex-Guard equipment. I highly recommend their product…because it WORKS!”
-Bryan Stewart | Director of Maintenance | Jones Logistics | Columbia, Mississippi
“Fantastic product! Very well made. Maintenance-Free with no latch issues. We run this product on our entire fleet. When we had a drunk driver slam into our truck it just bent our Ex-Guard [XG-150], totaling his car, we came out unscathed! Made me a Believer!”
-Heath Focht | President | HFC Inc. | Sidney, Iowa