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Ex-Guard knows that seeing is believing and we are offering a demo program for qualified fleets. Complete this form and your request will be sent directly to our inside sales team for consideration.
Any DOT recognized fleet is eligible for consideration and we will respond to your submission within 2 business days.
“Jones Logistics has been using the Ex-Guard model XG-125 for approx. 2 years now. We investigated and tried many options to reduce the cost of deer and animal-related incidents, with very minimal success. In Sept of 2015, our salesman made us aware of the Ex-Guard brand bumper guards. At this time we had already spent over $29,000 on deer-related accidents. We tried 5 units wondering how we would monitor success. In December of that same year, one of the trucks that had the bumper guard ran into a deer… dead center of the hood… ZERO damage to my truck. We quickly purchased more. I am currently down to less than $6000 a year for deer-related accidents and am still in the process of outfitting my fleet with Ex-Guard equipment. I highly recommend their product…because it WORKS!”
-Bryan Stewart | Director of Maintenance | Jones Logistics | Columbia, Mississippi
“One of our concerns when we first started testing the Ex-Guard product was the idea that the guards might adversely affect our MPG. We are very sensitive to this issue, and we go to great lengths to spec and maintain our trucks for maximum MPG. After a thorough analysis of several test units, we could find no measurable MPG difference between the trucks that had the Ex-Guard on them and the identical trucks that did not have the guards installed. This made the return on investment time for the Ex-Guard even shorter.
We look forward to using the guards on all of our future trucks and thank you for a well made, easy to install and use product that has positively impacted our company.”
-Dave Allison | Senior Vice President | Alan Ritchey, Inc. | Valley View, TX
“Fantastic product! Very well made. Maintenance-Free with no latch issues. We run this product on our entire fleet. When we had a drunk driver slam into our truck it just bent our Ex-Guard [XG-150], totaling his car, we came out unscathed! Made me a Believer!”
-Heath Focht | President | HFC Inc. | Sidney, Iowa
“Hit a full grown cow moose dead centre last night at 105kmhr. Saved me and my truck. Just rolled the mount brackets some. I travel thousands of km every year on back roads repairing forestry equipment in northern Alberta. Best guard I’ve seen and a super good investment. Thanks Ex-Guard!”
– Richard Bourgeois | Richy B Contracting Ltd
See details on this Featured XG-150