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Here’s my guard after a deer hit at highway speeds. No damage to the truck a little chunk of the protective coating was peeled off.
Thanks for a great guard! Saved me thousands in body shop cost and downtime.
-Todd Danielson
“Our Ex-Guard grille guards have been quite an impressive piece. Many deer collisions have happened over the past few years and we have yet to experience downtime from them. The most memorable deer collision happened recently. A driver of ours hit a deer at high speed and kept going as nothing was wrong with the truck. After stopping to inspect the front end, he realized that the deer was wedged into the grille guard and he had to pull it out by the legs and drag it off the road. This collision would have destroyed the front end of the truck but, thanks to the Ex-Guard, it wasn’t damaged at all. Thank you Ex-Guard!”
– Ronnie Fick | Fleet Operations Manager | Seay Oil Company | Paducah, KY
Collision mitigation systems are becoming increasingly popular and for a very good reason. Per a report from one of the fleets I work with, they have experienced a 40% decrease in front-end collisions. These systems coordinate a single forward radar sensor or group of sensors, the adaptive cruise, and the braking component of late model tractors. The front radar sensor is in an extremely vulnerable and exposed position. This fact, combined with the reality that the system is not designed to “see” animals, gives further justification to equipping your tractor(s) with Ex-Guard front end protection.
The Ex-Guard design team has carefully designed all our guards so they do not interfere with the radar beam of the collision mitigation equipment. As new designs enter the market, we are working to quickly manufacture mounting brackets for those designs to ensure full functionality of these safety features. Rest assured, Ex-Guard has you covered.
Tom Holt
Business Development Manager